Thursday, 23 April 2015

Exploring Typography

Authors own image

Authors own image

How does the typography work with the image?
Authors own image
I wanted to understand how my choice in typography would effect the images, here I have combined my previous typography experiments with my chosen illustration for my double page. Although I really enjoy the simple visual of the basic typography I feel the more playful and quirky visuals would be more appropriate for my target audience as it would be eye catching and engage them; I also feel the handwritten typography looks more friendly and welcoming for my audience. Although I feel the use of the black typography is successful I felt I still needed to experiment with a range of colours to ensure I was making the right decision. However, my outcomes suggest black typography will be the most successful for my final design. 

Colour Background
Authors own image
I have explored background colour for my double spread page and feel the blue and green outcomes are the most successful as they help the yellow of the bee stand out and become eye-catching, whereas the yellow and orange makes the bee blend in with the background. 

Completed page 
Authors own image

I wanted to create a mock up of my first completed page to ensure all the elements including typography, colour, composition, material and illustration would work well together. I really enjoy the outcome and feel it is successful because not only is it visually pleasing it is also appropriate for my target audience and the bright colours will draw them in while the material and stitched texture will engage their senses. I also really enjoy the chosen typography’s as the headings, subheadings and information is clear, stands out and is easy to understand. My next intention will be to explore other pages and complete them before putting my final book together. 

Authors own image

Exploring Material

Although I feel the previous outcome is successful and I am happy with it I wanted to explore this textured, coloured paper and glittery felt. I enjoy the glittery felt as it sparkles catch the light which makes it eye-catching; I also feel the glitter contributes to the texture and movement of the page. However, I feel it does not represent the delicate and detailed aspect of a bees wings and feel the previous outcome would be more appropriate in my final design. I also really enjoy the textured surface of the blue card but unfortunately it washes out the bright colours of my illustration and makes it look dull. Therefore I will be in search for white textured card for my final outcome.

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