Sunday 19 April 2015

Cut out wings?

Authors own image
 This experiment involved exploring the delicate and detailed aspects of a bees wings; I really enjoy the outcome because the cut outs represent both aspects and look visually pleasing. I really adore the shadows created from the outcome as it highlights the shape and form of the wings. I feel this could be a good technique to use on the front cover of my book - the cut outs would reveal the page behind and encourage the child to read the book. It would also represent the main focus of the book, the importance of bees and how they are delicate and vulnerable.
Authors own image

I really enjoy the sophisticated appearance of the cut out wings and feel it could be successful as my front cover. However, I will need to consider if this technique and visual would be appropriate for my target audience and if it would catch their attention.                                                             
Authors own image


I feel I need to explore the front cover using a range of techniques and idea's to ensure it is the most successful. In this experiment I tried to stitch delicate detail of the wings. However, I feel the outcome is unsuccessful as the card is to fragile to hold the cotton. Therefore I will not be using this technique in my final outcome. Alongside this idea I need to visit the idea of using the children's illustrations I collected on the front cover as well as in awareness posters.. I feel my main challenge is going to be combining all  of the elements as one. I need them to have the same style/ visual to ensure my campaign can be identified and recognisable. 

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