Monday, 13 April 2015

The School Visit

Authors own image
Authors own image 

Today was the day of the organised visit to Linton Mead Primary School, I was prepared and organised with my survey and activity plan. However, I was unable to attend my appointment as I was really ill. Luckily for me the teachers I was going to be working with were kind enough to continue with the activity. They were able to get me a total of 58 bee illustrations by children aged between 7 - 11. This was perfect as these ages cover my target audience. I may consider to reorganise another visit to complete my survey but if this is not possible I feel the illustrations are a successful part of my research and will contribute to my final outcome.
Now I have actual children's illustrations I need to consider how I will be using them in my work  and how they will link in with the other elements. My initial idea involves using the illustrations as the main focus of my poster designs - the idea will be children informing children about the importance of bees. I will also consider how I can use the illustrations within my awareness book and at the moment feel they could be successful on the front cover of my book; I will be experimenting to discover the most successful.

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