Monday, 20 April 2015

Considering Other Front Cover Idea's

Authors own image

Before committing to the previous front cover idea I wanted to explore another idea; it consisted of using children's illustrations with a simple background and composition. The aim was to ensure the illustration was the main focus and engaging for my target audience. Out of the illustrations I chose this one because I really enjoyed the scale and personality of the smiley face. In the final outcome I used the paint tool to smooth out the yellow elements, I feel this removed the texture and unique style of the child's drawing.  Overall I feel I could consider using this as a poster design but will need to design all pages to understand how they will work as one.
Authors own image

Combining Idea's
I have tried to combine  the idea of cut out wings and the use of a child's illustration. I found it quite difficult to make the cut outs appear delicate and detailed because of the small scaled wings within the drawing. I feel I could improve this idea by observing the wings on the other illustrations and exploring larger scale ones. I feel the difficult task will be finding and choosing an audience appropriate front cover. 

Authors own image
I am continuing to explore idea's for my front cover; I have tried to combine two elements consisting of the cut out wings and child's illustration. I really enjoy the outcome and feel the wings stand out whilst being delicate and detailed. However, as they are free to move off the page overtime they will get damaged - I will need to consider this as my audience are young.

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