Friday, 20 March 2015

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Image source:
As this is my final project I feel I need to push my abilities and ideas - to do this I feel I need to explore techniques I usually avoid especially illustration. I do not feel confident with illustration as it is not one of my strongest aspects but feel it is an important part of design so will be stepping out of my comfort zone. I have started this illustration journey by looking at successful illustrators including Belicta Castelbarco. I really enjoy Belicta's work because of the simple but effective lines she uses. I also adore the combination of colours and feel this alongside the lines form a delicate appearance to the outcome. I wanted to create my own outcome exploring similar techniques to understand how it would work with my visual project idea.
Authors own image

Here is my response to the above illustration, I really enjoy the use of material as it adds texture and forms an interesting visual. I also feel this is unique and eye catching in comparison to a predictable photograph with typography placed on it for a campaign. 

Image source:

I really enjoy the effortless appearance of Miminne's illustrates, her main influence comes from the late - 70's and early 80's with inspiration from the Pet Shop Boys. I feel she has her own unique style which would stand out. The free lines and minimal use of colour makes the illustration more interesting and draws me into discovering more. 

In response to Miminne's work I used a range of thick and thin lines in a loose manor; I really enjoy this technique and the outcome I created because I feel it contains texture and contributes to the movement. I feel exploring illustration is helping me not to rely on computer and digital software.

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