Thursday, 26 March 2015

Exploring New Techniques

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Whilst at the Victoria and Albert museum I picked up this postcard as I found the visuals really delicate and interesting. I discovered it was created by Anna Atkins and was a cyanotype of a poppy; I really enjoy the silhouette appearance and would like to explore this technique myself. I also want to explore a range of mediums to highlight what would be most successful in my own work and also what would be appropriate for my target audience. 
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I was able to create a response to the postcard as I learnt the photographic process used to chemicals - ammonium iron(III) citrate and potassium ferricyanide, when exposed to light a cyan blue print is revealed. I used strips of grass and a leaf to create my outcomes but feel disappointed with the results as I used sunlight to expose the chemicals in comparison to Atkins who used a UV light. I do not feel I will use this technique in my final design as it was a long process and the visuals are difficult to identify.
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Although I found my first experience of creating a cyanotype difficult I tried to revisit the technique but this time combine it with oil and ink. My intention was to create organic, abstract visuals with the use of greens and yellows; I really enjoyed the technique as it produced interesting outcomes which I could not control. However, I do not feel the visuals are 'organic' I feel they remind me of scientific microbes instead. I will not being using this technique further as I do not feel the outcomes are relevant to my subject focus.
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My aim for this project is to push myself out of my comfort zone and not always rely on computer softwares to create design. Therefore, I have explored traditional methods using wax and ink known as 'Batik.' As I do not have the proper equipment to do this I tried to compromise with some scrap metal and by melting the wax in a sauce pan. I found it difficult to control when creating my floral visuals as the wax was so hot and dripped everywhere. However, I feel my outcomes are successful considering how they were created. I really enjoy the leaf outcomes as the material is thick and was easy to iron the wax off. I feel I could consider using this technique in my book design because although a messy outcome, I feel it would add texture and engage the children with the use of the bright ink.
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