Tuesday 24 March 2015

Observing My Audience and Subject Research

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I visited the Natural History Museum because it contains many recordings of the past - I wanted to understand how past generations preserved and recorded subjects for future research and observation. I also felt I would be able to understand how the museum engage my target audience which could help towards my own design and outcome. 
When I visited their were many children, this helped me with my audience research as I was able to observe how they engaged wight he museum. It also helped me identify my audience's enthusiasm for learning and reinforced my decision to design for that specific age group. I really enjoyed the illustrations of insects because of the small detail and the the realistic style. I aim to explore ways of representing my subject with a range of materials and techniques. I also like the larger scale illustrations of beetles as they were eye-catching - this gave me the idea of exploring scale in my own outcome and identify how it will effect it.
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I quickly illustrated two insects to demonstrate how the coloured one would be more eye catching for my target audience in comparison to the dark, dull one.
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I really enjoyed the arrangement of insects because as a collective they appear more visually interesting than a single individual. I would like to explore this composition idea within my work because I feel it consists of so many colours and interesting detail it would engage my target audience. I also enjoy the variety of scale and feel this contributes to interesting visual and texture. Once I decide on the format of my design I will begin to focus and experiment with ways to represent the content.

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As I walked through the museum I was really drawn in by the bright, bold visuals on the doors; I feel this was really appropriate for my audience because it stands out and is eye-catching. I also feel the arrangement of colours work well and helps children identify the objects and images involved - I will be considering this technique in my own design.

As my design concept consists of educating children about the importance of bees I feel a book could be a format to consider. I could include interesting visuals, typography and activities which would engage their learning. I would need to explore how to do this and will experiment with a variety of techniques.

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I really enjoy Clara Pope's botanical illustrations, I feel the tone really contributes to the dimension and texture. However, as I am aiming my design at a young audience I feel a more simple image would be appropriate. I also feel children would not feel engaged or involved as they are serious drawings; I want my book design to be fun and quirky whilst creating the awareness of bees.

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I like George Clifford's herbarium sheet because it feels like a moment frozen in time - I feel I could use a similar technique - for example scanning flowers to understand how they appear 2Dimensional. I also feel my audience would recognise the real flowers which would increase their awareness. I also feel the visual of texture draws me in; therefore will look into textures as a medium as I feel children enjoy touching what they see.
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I created responses to the herbarium sheet and aim to explore real plants as well as illustrated ones to understand what would be most successful and appropriate for my target audience. I would like to add texture to my book design and the flattened flowers have inspired me to continue this idea as the range in textures appear interesting and organic. The scanned outcome on the left was also intriguing because although it looked 3Dimensional it was actually flat which plays with the mind. 

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When visiting the Science Museum I wanted to understand how the child engaged with the learning. I discovered interactive stations throughout which allowed children to get involved and encouraged them to learn. I feel I could consider this in my design with visual pop ups and flip boards throughout the book. When observing it really stood out that the children enjoyed getting involved. I also noticed all the interactive stations were brightly coloured and was very eye catching which draw the children in. I will need to consider these aspects in my own design to ensure it is appropriate for my audience.

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I enjoyed this visual as it does not only inform; I observed children following the lines and getting involved with the design. However, the typography used did not seem appropriate for my target audience and made me realise I need to consider this in my design.
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It was quite apparent the children seemed more drawn in by fun, quirky typography in comparison to a simple helvetica sign. However, some children were unable to read this 'materials' typography as it is very chaotic. I feel I need to find a balance between 'fun' and 'chaotic' to ensure my typography captures my audiences attention and being able to read and understand it.
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I really enjoyed the drawing wall in the Natural History museum because it encourage the children to be visual and observe their surroundings. Once they found their favourite piece they had to draw it and were able to share it by placing it on the wall. As I observed I really enjoyed the excitement of the children and the enthusiasm of their parents. I feel I could use a similar page within my own awareness book.

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The Science museum had a range of walls containing strips and squares of texture. They also had a small simple description of the material either underneath or hanging. I really enjoyed this idea because it made the children get involved and encourage their learning. I feel I could consider using this technique within my awareness book as it would allow the children to not only read and see; they would also be able to feel the page. 

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