Sunday, 3 May 2015

Exploring Silhouettes for Acetate

Authors own image
Here I have started exploring silhouette’s for acetate window transfer, to create these I simply used existing images and used Photoshop to them into silhouettes. I feel I could have used my own previous photograph’s of bees, although it would have been difficult making them as accurate as these outcomes. - I could consider having different silhouettes in each book. 

Unexpected Print Technique

Authors own image
When using a inkjet printer to transfer my silhouettes onto acetate I did not consider the not being able to dry on the glossy surface. When the print did not dry I placed paper on top where I discovered the paper soaks up the inkjet to create an interesting and textured print. I really enjoy this technique and will be exploring it further, I may consider using a laser printer to understand if it will print on acetate. If not I will try to understand how I can use these unique prints.
Authors own image

Here I have continued to explore the acetate printing technique on a range of papers- I really enjoy the outcomes and feel they would be successful on my front cover. I feel the use of yellow helps the black stand out and would be eye-catching on my front cover. As I would have to print each front cover by hand it would make each one unique and individual.

Considering New Front Cover 

Authors own image
I have started to consider using the acetate printing technique for my front cover. I really enjoy the texture created and the aspect of each front cover being unique. I feel this works better than the cut out as it stands out and is recognisable as a bee. I also feel the cut out wings are fragile and would get damaged by my target audience. 

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